About Us
Active Living: No Limits is an Action Plan to improve the health and well-being for disabled people in Northern Ireland through participation in sport and active recreation.
The Action Plan has primarily been developed by disabled people and those groups and organisations who seek to support and empower disabled people to have an inclusive life experience.
Our Vision:
That everyone with a disability has an equal opportunity to access sport and active recreation leading to a healthier and more active lifestyle.
Our Aim:
Encouraging and facilitating a collaborative approach to increasing participation in sport and active recreation by disabled people.
Department for Communities capital investments of £1.4m has initiated a range of new projects.
The purpose of the Action Plan is to:
Engage and Encourage
Disabled people are supported by a strong, well coordinated disability sport sector.
Disabled people have positive experiences as a result of changed public attitudes and a greater understanding of disability.
Active and Inclusive
Disable people lead active lifestyles and have improved health and wellbeing through involvement in sport and active recreation.
Disabled people have equality of choice and consistency of accessible activities and sporting facilities.
Involved and Inspired
Disabled people face ‘No Limits’ in sport and active recreation.